The Australian Registered Cattle Breeders Association (ARCBA) is the peak industry body for the Australian beef cattle seedstock industry. As such it provides leadership, direction and education to its members, the individual breed associations. Also it works to improve the Australian seedstock industry environment and Australia’s international cattle seedstock image.
our mission
“To provide leadership and support to Australian cattle seedstock industry to produce and market cattle genetics which improve their viability as seedstock procedures and the profitability of commercial cattle production.”
Thirty-eight (38) breed associations are members of ARCBA. Representatives of these breed associations form the Council of ARCBA. The Council elects an Executive Committee that meets at quarterly intervals to guide the Association’s work. The President of ARCBA is a person of high standing in the cattle industry who must be independent of any of the member breeds.
our vision
The cattle genetics produced by Australia’s registered cattle industry will be:
The most reliable and highest performing genetics in all the economic traits impacting sustainable commercial cattle production for a range of production/marketing environments.
Quality assured in terms of pedigree, performance and structural soundness, and health status.
Preferred by international markets.